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Application Packaging Standards

Windows application

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All Application uploads should happen in ZIP format, and should be configured as described in this article.

Download a package from the public repository and use as a template:

The following needs to be placed in the root of the zip file.

  • Application Icon
    • PNG format
    • Between 256×256 pixels – 512×512 pixels
    • named ‘icon.png’
  • Powershell Detection Script
    • Named ‘Detect-Application.ps1’
  • Execution file

Example of ZIP file


Example of a Configuration.xml file.


The following fields should be modified to reflect the contents

1NameName of Application.
2VersionApplication version.
3PublisherApplication Vendor.
4DeveloperApplication Developer (most often shared value with Publisher).
5InstallCmdInstall command. This is the file that is run by Endpoint Manager to kick off the installation.
6UninstallCmdUninstall command. This is the file that is run by Endpoint Manager to kick off the un-installation.
7InstallExperienceCan be set to ‘user’ or ‘system’. This property determines if the installation happens user or system context.
8DescriptionFriendly description which is visible to the end user in the Company Portal.
9ArchitectureArchitecture of the application. This can be set to x86 or x64.
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Windows application

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