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Approve Shop Request

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The shopping feature is designed with application and feature management in mind. The main purpose of the feature is to allow users to request applications from the portal shop.endpointadmin.com

Requesting an application from the shopping portal will kick off the approval process, which notifies the manager of the end user to approve the software. Administrators can also approve software.

View the article “Configure Shop Applications” on how to configure Shop Applications.

Please follow the guidelines below in order to approve a shopping request for your employee

Note: The acting manager for an end user is fetched from Azure.

 Approve Shop Request 
1.1Go to shop.endpointadmin.com/requests 
1.2If there are any shop requests pending your approval they will be listed.mceclip1.png
1.3Press approve or deny. The end user will be notified.  mceclip3.png
1.4Whenever an end user that you are manager for requests an application, you will be notified via e-mail.mceclip4.png

Congratulations. You’ve now approved a shopping request for an employee.

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Approve Shop Request

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